Trooper is shown to the above, flying through the "Agility" tunnel. He is a wonderful performance dog, as well as a show dog. Trooper is owned by my friend Marta Brock. They live in Olympia Washington. He is one of the many dogs that Marta has put a multitude of titles on. Trooper was co-bred by me and he is co-owned by me. He is from a very long line of "Paquestone" Great Danes. 

Ch. Paquestone Abraham Rollin Thunder
 RE,OA,NAJ,OAJWW,NF,Cl-2,FDX, Ratch x 2, 
advanced trick dog

Am/Can. Ch. Daynakin's Quiet Spirit at Bricarlo X
Can. Ch. Paquestone's Zippy Doo Da Daz